World-Traveler Cheese Board

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World-Traveler Cheese BoardThe perfect cheese board looks simple at a glance, but selecting the right cheeses and accoutrements can be tricky. We recommend finding 4 to 5 different cheeses that fit a loose theme: like 5 different cheddar cheeses or 4 French-made cheeses. For this one, we’ve gone global and picked contrasting cheeses from different regions: pungent, mild, soft, and hard. When purchasing cheese, note that smaller independent cheese shops or gourmet groceries tend to have more options than the standard supermarket cheese counter, without much of a difference in cost. For the accoutrements, a variety of fruits, nuts, olives, and bread can be so satisfying you hardly feel the need to eat dinner at all.

  • Yield: 8 Servings


  • 4 ounces American artisanal goat cheese
  • 4 ounces English white Cheddar or French blue cheese
  • 4 ounces Spanish manchego cheese
  • 4 ounces Italian aged Parmesan, Asiago, or Pecorino cheese
  • Crostini or assorted crackers
  • Spicy mustard
  • Apricot jam, citrus marmalade, or other locally made
  • preserves
  • Seedless grapes
  • Sliced apples
  • Dried figs
  • Mixed pickles (see Crunchy Dill and Curry Cauliflower Quick Pickles)
  • Olives (see Rosemary Olives with Lemon Zest) Salted almonds
How to Make It
  1. About 1 hour before serving, remove the cheese from refrigerator and bring to room temperature. Serve with accoutrements.
  2. GF* For gluten-free, use gluten-free crackers or bread.
  3. V* For vegan, consider a high-quality vegan cheese (ask your grocer for recommendations).

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