Spring roll salad recipe

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  • Yield: 2 Servings
  • Preparation Time: 20 Minutes


  • 1 cup mung bean sprouts
  • 1 carrot
  • 2 English cucumbers, sliced diagonally
  • 1 red bell pepper
  • 1 (14-oz) can baby corn
  • 2 tsp olive oil
  • 3 tsp soy sauce
  • 1 Tbsp red wine vinegar
  • 1 tsp granulated sugar
How to Make It
  1. Wash the vegetables. Drain the mung bean sprouts thoroughly.
  2. Peel the carrot and cut into thin strips about 2 inches long.
  3. Cut the red pepper in half, remove the seeds, and cut into thin strips about 2 inches long.
  4. Rinse the baby corn in warm water and drain thoroughly.
  5. Combine the olive oil, soy sauce, red wine vinegar, and sugar in a jar and shake well. Toss the salad with the dressing. Wait about 30 minutes to serve to allow the flavors to blend.
Nutrition Facts
Serving Size 1
Nutritional Value Per Serving
40 kcal
Calories from Fat:
9 kcal
% Daily Value*
Total Fat
1 g
Trans Fat
0.0 g
8 g
2 g
* Above mentioned %DVs (Percent Daily Values) are based on 2,000 calorie food intake.

DVs (Daily values) may be vary depending upon individuals daily calorie needs. Above nutritional values are estimates and should only be used as a guide for approximation. They are not allfoodchef.com recommendations. Calculations are based on average weight of 194 lbs. and ages of 19 to 50 years.

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