Author recipewisdomadmin

Fried Pork Belly Recipe
In most of Latin America, chicharrónes are crispy pieces of pork belly and/or skin that…

Swedish Walnut Fingers Recipe
These buttery, nut-topped Swedish cookies have a texture that’s similar to sandy shortbread but they’re…

Korean Short Ribs Recipe
Korean short ribs, or galbi, appeal to everyone. To serve, place a bit of the meat…

Sweet Potato Fritters with Smashed Avocado and Salmon Recipe
The beauty of this recipe is that you don’t need to precook any of the…

Salmon, Avocado, Grapefruit, and Watercress Salad
A composed salad presents an appealing mix of contrasting flavors, textures, and colors. The best…

Saint-Tropez Tart Recipe
Born in Brigitte Bardot’s town, the Saint-Tropez tart is now famous everywhere in France. The…

Plum and Hemp Crumble Recipe
I like to use black plums in this crumble because their bright red interiors make…