Author recipewisdomadmin

Onion and anchovy focaccia recipe
Pissaladière is an iconic fougasse from Nice, in the south of France. Often mistakenly called…

Snails recipe
Not to be confused with the much maligned, but nonetheless delicious, garlic snail, these snails…

Oak-smoked haddock recipe
There’s a predominance of fish in this book that betrays my seaside location. A walk…

Venison & beluga lentils recipe
Soup frequently gets under-sold as a cheap convenience food. Of course, it clearly can be,…

Slow-baked Greek bean recipe
You’ll get a generous casserole dish full of this, but if you’re going to go…

Kenyan black-eyed peas with peanuts recipe
Black-eyed peas and peanut butter may sound like an unusual combination unless, of course, you’re…