Rustic yam fries recipe

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You could convert anyone to a low-fat vegan diet with these fries. Serve with Black Bean Burgers or Soul Burgers.

  • Yield: 2 Servings


  • 1 medium yam or sweet potato
  • about 2 tsp Chinese 5-spice powder
  • about 1 tsp ground cumin
  • about 1⁄4 tsp cayenne powder
  • salt, to taste
  • pepper, to taste
How to Make It
  1. Preheat oven to 400°F.
  2. Slice yam into very thin strips and transfer to a mixing bowl.
  3. Spray with cooking spray and sprinkle spices over top with salt and pepper.
  4. Mix with your hands, then re-spray, and sprinkle spices a second time.
  5. Mix again and repeat 2 more times with cooking spray but no seasoning.
  6. Continue to toss and mix until fries are evenly coated with spices.
  7. Transfer to a nonstick or greased cookie sheet and spread out in a thin layer.
  8. Bake for 7 minutes.
  9. Pull out, flip fries, re-spray, and bake for another 5 to 7 minutes, or until fully cooked and crisp, careful not to burn.
Nutrition Facts
Serving Size 1
Nutritional Value Per Serving
60 kcal
Calories from Fat:
1.8 kcal
% Daily Value*
Total Fat
0.2 g
Trans Fat
0.0 g
2.7 mg
13.7 g
Dietary Fiber
2.2 g
1.2 g
* Above mentioned %DVs (Percent Daily Values) are based on 2,000 calorie food intake.

DVs (Daily values) may be vary depending upon individuals daily calorie needs. Above nutritional values are estimates and should only be used as a guide for approximation. They are not recommendations. Calculations are based on average weight of 194 lbs. and ages of 19 to 50 years.

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